Pursuant to Sections 50 (a) and 51 (a)(c) of The Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRC) Act, 2011, FRC in collaboration with the Convention on Business Integrity (CBi), and United Nations Global Compact Network Nigeria (UNGC-NN) herein after referred to as “The Team”, has developed a Corporate Governance Guidelines applicable to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector of the Nigerian economy. The document, to be called “Small and Medium Enterprises Corporate Governance Guidelines (SME-CGG), is now in the Exposure Draft (ED) phase of the FRC Statutory Regulatory document development stage.
The Team now seeks to engage stakeholders in the MSME Sector and the Business Community as a further mandatory step to issuance of the Guidelines. We hereby request all interested person(s), group(s), association(s) and organization(s) to provide documented comments and feedback on the Guidelines to FRC, on or before Monday, July 31, 2023 to cmosondu@frcnigeria.gov.ng and or ieekpo@frcnigeria.gov.ng. (Copy of the Guidelines is attached for your use)
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